Problem with SEM Flaps toggle and IL 2 Sturmovik

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Problem with SEM Flaps toggle and IL 2 Sturmovik

Postby Cheyyen » Fri Feb 04, 2022 18:14

So I finally got my SEM and THQ delivered and started with setting it up for various games - Star Citizen went fine (thx for the mining rotary switch tutorial, saved me some buttons on THQ :wink: ) so then I decided to set the binds in IL 2 Sturmovik: Great Battles. And then I encountered a problem:

Every keybind went fine apart from setting up Flaps. I use three detents cause I wanted the middle one to be the idle one.
Here is my problem:
-the game recognizes flaps switches as different buttons as software. In VKBCfg the are 58,59 and 61. In the game they are 57,58 and 60. Thats not the problem itself but could be useful info for this: the game randomly assignes buttons to the
switch. Example: while keybinding I move to the middle position and it recognizes it as button 60. I moved it back to top position, try the same keybind function again and I again move it to middle, this time it's button 58 or 57. This happens in all
detent positions.

This makes it impossible to set it up that top detent is flaps up, middle is idle and bottom is flaps up.

Is there a solution to this or shall I just switch the detent block to 2 detents?

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Re: Problem with SEM Flaps toggle and IL 2 Sturmovik

Postby Cheyyen » Fri Feb 04, 2022 18:20

Forget the last part of the question - I just realized that with two detents I wont be able to stop releasing or retracting flaps at certain percentage. With that problem I can only manage to have flaps up and down functions next to each other. To get them idle I have to move the switch either to top or bottom position, depends which way i set the flaps - there is no middle ground.

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Re: Problem with SEM Flaps toggle and IL 2 Sturmovik

Postby fallout9 » Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:22

Try to have the up and down buttons programmed as Generator, like here.

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