MCG Pro "Add-ons"?

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MCG Pro "Add-ons"?

Postby -Relax- » Wed May 12, 2021 21:53

i would like to know something about the stuff inlcuding the GUNFIGHTER MK.III + MCG Pro EN with Twist (449€)
Like from the Video

1. Are the Pinky-Switch Stickers also included in the MCG Pro?
2. Would it be possible to separate Order the black Button-Caps and Hat-Switches for the Pro Stick an be able to use it?

Sry if this has been asked already, i did not foun

Also, how much is the difference from the long life ability between the Pro and Ultimate?? Are there any known problems with the Pro over few years over the ultimate?
Last and maybe stupid question, but.. as the Ultimate is a little more heavy, how is the movement near the center compared to the Pro? I would like to keep it light as i want use it use it for destop on table. (i know i can adjust the with springs) A Am i right here to take the Pro better than? (but it´s also cause of the price +140€ is not little for me)

thx and greets

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Re: MCG Pro "Add-ons"?

Postby -Relax- » Thu May 20, 2021 23:51

I dont know how long it take normaly to get anwswer here, but can i exprect to get some soon?

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Re: MCG Pro "Add-ons"?

Postby LeLv30_Superbus » Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:37

I think I can answer number 1 because I own both Pro and MCGU grips. Pro can not use (and does not need) any "stickers" if you mean the tiny rubber discs. The pinky button is actually better in the pro model in my opinion. The disc falls off my grip at least twice a day when I enter/exit my sim when my thigh brushes against the stick. If anyone has any ideas what to do about it, I'm all ears.

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Re: MCG Pro "Add-ons"?

Postby LeLv30_Superbus » Sat Aug 27, 2022 0:02

One year later... I just wanted to give an update. VKB replaced my MCGU grip and the new one has a better pinky switch which doesn't need a rubber disc on it. Now it's perfect. Replacement was done because of another reason, not for the pinky switch.

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