DirectX Limitations on Buttons and Work Around ?

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DirectX Limitations on Buttons and Work Around ?

Postby Blueleopard10 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:30

I have been reading that potentially the Mode Button could operate quite a few more buttons if those on the base actually functioned as they should but it seems this is a limitation in DirectX and not the limits of the joystick and or software. I am curious if any one has managed to work out a way around this as I am sure amongst us there must be a few software experts. May be their is even a way to program Macro type instructions for use in games like IL2 and DCS even if they had to work in conjunction with a keyboard press?

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Re: DirectX Limitations on Buttons and Work Around ?

Postby Victorus » Sat Jul 08, 2017 18:26

DirectX limits joystick button number to 32. There are rumors, that modern games can ignore this limitations.
With VKBDevCfg you can use every button as three (at least), Shift1 and Shift2 functions work similarly to Keyboard shift key. My favorite function is keyboard mapping. It allows to convert button press to keystrokes even with keyboard modifiers such as Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Win etc.
You can use Macro function too. Here you can find information about Macro.
Look at this forum and I think you will find answers to many questions. And you are welcome to ask your own!
Good luck!
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Re: DirectX Limitations on Buttons and Work Around ?

Postby Sokol1 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 20:51

IL-2: Battle of... series see up to 64 buttons, and DCS World see up to 128 buttons - regardless Windows see only 32. :)

Thing is VKB default profiles for Gladiator limit mode button for KG-12 grip buttons only, don't affect base buttons, seems to don't surpass the DX 32 buttons limit and so uniformed users don't complain about "DOA" buttons because don't see then highlight in the obsolete Windows Game Controllers. :mrgreen:

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