Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

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Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Cyberdactyl » Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:51

Please forgive me for trying another subforum. I've asked this in another subforum with no result.

I followed the KBsim video to the letter. I even tried using a 'physical button' under the EVENT column as someone suggested. Still, I cannot get an LED to light up from a button push. ALL the buttons work during testing. ALL the LEDs work when I do a 'Fast Test' in the ACTION/TEST/MISC panel.

I suppose I simply ask why doesn't LED #10 light up when I press Button #3 with the below configuration?

The KBsim video I used to program. ... DA&index=4


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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby fallout9 » Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:08

If you go on the Test/Button, click that button and the #3 cell lights up, then you have to assign it to Physical Button instead of Logical. Or P-Alternate function if you want a button hold until a second press.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:02

Have you hit 'Set' to save it to the device?

For the rest of the context here is the other thread.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Cyberdactyl » Sun Sep 24, 2023 4:14

fallout9 wrote:If you go on the Test/Button, click that button and the #3 cell lights up, then you have to assign it to Physical Button instead of Logical. Or P-Alternate function if you want a button hold until a second press.

I have tried choosing "Physical Button" under EVENT. Nothing happens when I push button #3 (big red button).

If I choose P-Alternate all that happens is LED #10 (center large rectangular button) stays on in the color chosen under the 'color 1' column.

I have yet to be able to get a button click to light up the LED.

DeadWalking wrote:Have you hit 'Set' to save it to the device?

I do that after setting change.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:42

It needs to be Physical 12 for the big red button
Or Logical 3 for the big red button

A2 Red Button is Physical Cell ID #12 which outputs Logical #3
Your LED Event can check for
Physical #12 or
Virtual #12 or
Logical #3

If none of those are working after hitting 'Set' then I am beginning to wonder if you mean a different button than the A2 Red Button on the headstock facing you.

The value you see on the Test page is the Logical out value.
It does not mean it is the Physical button value. If you check Poll on the Profile >> Buttons >> Physical Layer
You will see the #12 Physical Cell ID with a red square in it when pressing the red A2 button.
If you click on that Physical button in the window that opens you will see that the Virtual/Logical Cell ID is also #12 while it outputs Logical #3

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Cyberdactyl » Sun Sep 24, 2023 22:33

THANK YOU DeadWalking. It works now!

I'm still a bit confused why because when I check "button 12" under buttons/POVs it's the upper right hat switch pushed to the right or the 3 o'clock position.

However, now that I know that my buttons can interact with the LEDs I can move on and try to understand this thing!

The kind of amusing aspect is it works with the "Physical Button" OR "Logical Button" chosen under EVENT.

This is what my ACTION/EXTERNAL/LED panel looks like now to make it work.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Sun Sep 24, 2023 23:17

I really wasn't sure how else to really nail it down for you.
I did try to explain the Physical/Virtual/Logical relationship in my one image in the other thread I believe.

I may need to come up with another way to get the relationship across better.

Physicals and Virtuals work off the Cell ID of the Physical or Logical Layer Buttons pages.
When you hover a Physical button cell it will open a little popup that shows the Physical Cell ID in bold.
When you hover a Logical button cell it will open a little popup that shows the Virtual Cell ID in bold and the Logical joystick button # that is sent to windows on the right of the popup window.
You can see that I hovered Logical Layer Virtual Cell ID #19 which outputs a Logical value of 10. That #10 is what you will see on the Test page.
24-PM-12-09-10.png (12.02 KiB) Viewed 3988 times

Just need to know exactly which button type you are trying to read for any LED Event.
If it is Logical you need the button value seen on the Test page when pressing the desired button.
If it is Physical or Virtual you need the Cell ID (bold # when hovering the desired button) in order to trigger an LED event.
To find which Cell ID is tied to which button on the device you use the Poll checkbox to see a red square on the indicated Cell when a button is pressed.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Sun Sep 24, 2023 23:36

Here is another example trying to break it down in another way.

Let me know if those look washed out at all. I am grabbing screenshots while in HDR.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Cyberdactyl » Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:10

Everything looks good. Thanks so much for going to the effort.
I understand a bit better now.

What I find peculiar is the VKB Sim sponsored video, it never goes into the detail you did. Thus, I followed their video exactly and ran into the wall.
If we assume the setting I show here works in their video, did they omit something somewhere else in the settings never mentioned for theirs to work (found around the seven-minute mark in the video)?

js5.jpg ... DA&index=4

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:46

No that vid looks like it is covering it correctly.
It was just using the Logical out which is #3 for Physical Cell ID #12 by default.

I just defaulted mine and set a Logical #3 LED Event according to the vid and it worked as expected.
Not sure why it was giving you problems on Logical #3.
This is my default setup with the LED event trying to explain it using the same colors as my previous image.

I really am not sure why it was failing for you.
Especially if the Physical #12 LED Event ended up working.
Not hitting 'Set' could show that. Which was why I aksed at the one point.

Weird thing. At least some things make a little more sense and you were able to get it working via one method.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Cyberdactyl » Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:11

Ok, I just checked again for maybe the fifth time with the setting in the video, and it doesn't work when your solution does, so I suppose it will remain a mystery. :(

No big deal, I will move on and continue to learn this stick.

Thanks again for helping.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby DeadWalking » Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:17

That really makes me wonder what is going on.

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Re: Can't Get LEDs to Trigger with Buttons

Postby Stefan79 » Mon May 27, 2024 20:06

I know the thread is old but i just had the same problem.
I fixed it by completly remove the "zero event" from the event list.
After it was gone it worked perfectly.

maybe that will help somebody

best regards

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