Conflict with Elden Ring

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Conflict with Elden Ring

Postby Kammus007 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:01

Hi guys,

I am new here and new to the airplanes Sim world, atleast with VKB sim world.

A few months ago I purchased a Gladiator NXT EVO and a VKB STECS standard, I used to have another more basic stick. I am extremely happy with the purchase and I was impressed with the quality of the product and everything that comes with it, especially in the case of STECS, but anyway, I digress.

The fact is that I play other games besides simulators, and one of them is Elden Ring, which I play using an Xbox controller for PC. However, I am forced to disconnect the VKB controllers from the PC when I want to play Elden Ring, as the game recognizes them instead of the Xbox controller, and Elden Ring is already difficult enough without me trying to play it using stick and throttle :lol: .

It is worth saying that this only occurs with Elden Ring, I played other games using the VKB controllers connected without experiencing any interference.

Has anyone experienced something similar, or do you know if there is a command in Windows or VKBDevCfg itself to activate and deactivate the VKB controllers without having to disconnect the cables every time?

Thanks for any support

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Re: Conflict with Elden Ring

Postby mattcaron » Fri Mar 22, 2024 23:26

I have experienced this. My workaround is to never have any controllers connected until I go to play a game, then I connect the controllers in exactly the correct order, and then it works.

For example, I always connect right control then right control for airplane games.

For driving, it's pedals, then wheel, then shifter.

Order doesn't seem to matter as long as you're consistent about it.

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