VKB Gunfighter III Ultimate with Flightgear on Linux

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VKB Gunfighter III Ultimate with Flightgear on Linux

Postby bthomas » Wed Nov 02, 2022 0:40


I am interested in purchasing a VKB Gunfighter III Ultimate Joystick. I only have access to a Linux computer and only use Linux.
I would like to use this joystick with Flightgear.

I am knowledgeable about Linux and can use utilities such as jscal, jstest etc, even build custom drivers if required.
It has been very hard to find if this joystick will work with Flightgear on Linux. I would be grateful if I can get a confirmation of this before purchase.

At present the only information I could find indicates that VKB is not Flightgear/Linux compatible. I infer this based on the following reported bug


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