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Gladiator NXT Premium; when to use the extras?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:47
by Michael1234
Hi, please excuse the newbie question. I just picked up this joystick to use with ms flight sim, and I'm wondering if I should swap the default a1 and c1 switches for the extras provided? What would be the motivation for changing them? Thanks!

Re: Gladiator NXT Premium; when to use the extras?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:10
by fallout9
Just run with it for a while before making any changes and see if you really need those changes :)

Re: Gladiator NXT Premium; when to use the extras?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:16
by Michael1234
Thanks, thats definitely the plan. But I guess I'm just trying to understand what scenarios would warrant changing switches? The alternative a1 switch seems like a backwards step functionality wise?

Re: Gladiator NXT Premium; when to use the extras?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:28
by fallout9
Some people really like the gated HAT switches. Or usually play twitchy games like SWS, E:D or SC, where you don't really have time to change modes on buttons.