Pinky Finger Mod for SCG

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Pinky Finger Mod for SCG

Postby Bill » Tue May 14, 2019 21:30

I made a quick and easy addition to button D1 on the SCG which is the pinky finger button. Hopefully this will be helpful to some.

The pinky finger button is in such a covenant place I love it and use it for a game control I use often, however it can be fatiguing on the hand as it takes a stout push from the pinky finger which is not that strong and for me my finger tip wraps well past the button so I am pushing with the side of the finger. I wanted to share a little mod I made that has help me a great deal, I have been using it for about 3 weeks now and feel confident to say it works well for me as I have used it several hundred times by now. I glued a 3/16" 4.76mm thick piece of felt to the button, this did two things, it extended the button outward so I have a little more leverage on it, and it made the surface slightly soft and yet coarse which help with the finger grip on the button.

The felt started life as a floor protector intended for the leg of a chair and was purchased at a big box store. I used a Dremel tool and sand paper to grind it to the right dimension. So far the stick on glue that came with it is holding up. If it fails I plan to use some 5 minute epoxy on it.

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Re: Pinky Finger Mod for SCG

Postby philip.manhart » Sat May 18, 2019 15:33

Great idea Bill, I was thinking of how to make it easier to hold this button as I have modified it to be the SHIFT function and doubled the amount of buttons on the SCG, but it is definitely hard to hold down and sometimes my pinky finger slips off.

I have some of these felt pads in the closet... time to grab the scissors.

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