Gladiator Mk.II Pro vs Gunfighter

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Gladiator Mk.II Pro vs Gunfighter

Postby VFPhoenix » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:15

Hey Guys,

First post as I'm very excited with VKB Sim bringing the Modern Combat Grip. Missed my chance on the Black Mamba series, but with the MCG coming in the future, I'm super excited!

I'm not quite sure if there are any current owners, but are there any difference between the Gladiator Mk. II Pro and Gunfighter?

I'm upgrading from a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and I mostly play DCS World on my laptop. I used to have a desktop with a HOTAS set but got rid of it, since I'm always constantly moving around.

I like the idea of the Gladiator Mk. II Pro having the throttle and many buttons to utilize, and with the MCG grip (and the twist grip) coming in the future, it'll make a perfect mobile sim flight stick! But I'm wondering if I'm missing out on anything with the Gunfighter? With VKB's TCS in development, I was thinking of going back to using HOTAS. Pretty much I'm being indecisive :(

Thanks guys!

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