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Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 16:57
by mattcaron
Okay, status update.

These cables fit, but are too short. But, the ends are correct, so I'm going to cut off a couple ends, splice two together, and it should be long enough:

Since they arrived, I fired up the print on the Omnithrottle adapter, which is a mix of:


I went with the second body version because, as the author says, more people have M3 nuts than have M3 knurled inserts - this applies to me as well.

In the end:

    1. I printed them out of PLA+.

    2. The two printed pieces fit together via a tight enough interference fit (even after sanding, I used a vise to press them together) that no bolting is necessary. If they work loose, I'll just dribble a little acrylic solvent adhesive (SciTech weld-on is a personal favorite), but I doubt this will be necessary.

    3. As mentioned above, the cables are too short - cutting and soldering is required.

    4. The dimensions are slightly off - either the original models are wrong, or my printer is off, or they're compensating for a material with higher shrinkage (like ASA). Options are sanding for a precise fit (which is what I will do because they're printed) or increasing the body size slightly (to enlarge the holes) and shrinking the shaft size slightly (so it fits into the NXT base correctly - but then the screw holes might not line up with those in the base). Or you can sit there sanding and shaving for a couple of hours while watching a movie, which is what I plan to do.

It should all be put back together tonight and I'll post pictures if it's not too late after Arnold gets that pesky Predator.

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 23:55
by mattcaron
Alright, all done.

Pushing the wires through the factory twist adapter is easy, but the printed adapter is too narrow for the connectors, so one needs to run the wires from both ends and then solder them in the middle.

I tried to upload images to post here, but I kept getting an "HTTP error" error (which doesn't help much), so here is a gallery link: ... cJtCKoMqRq

Assuming you're looking at them in numerical order, the first few are fishing and soldering wires. I also swapped the order of the wires around so the match the factory wire pattern (yellow in the center, black and red at the outside). I soldered the 3 wires, then used heat shrink on them. I covered that with a heat shrink sleeve, and then wrapped the whole thing in engine bay wire loom tape - the idea being that it keeps things tidy and black, but also flexible.

2 of the cables I referenced in the above post are actually *slightly* short - extending each by about 6cm would be better, and will allow one to use the factory wiring path. But, I didn't want to take it all apart, so you can see that I just ran it to the side and connected it. It doesn't pull on the connector at all, even at the extents, so it should be fine. If not, I'll resolder whatever breaks and lengthen the cable at that end as appropriate.

Finally, there's a finished shot and pretty grainy in situ shot. What can I say, it's dark in my office because I'm basically a vampire.


Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 20:10
by tomzo711
It's on the website right now!

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:40
by Kike
Waiting for stock, thanks for the notice.

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 17:41
by mattcaron
So, uh, yeah, less than 3 weeks.

Glad I printed that out. Lol.

And, in the end, between filament and wiring, it ended up costing me about $10 plus 3 hours of sanding and fitting and all that, and I've used it all of once since I built it.

Life is funny that way.

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 18:26
by rtrski
rtrski wrote:...While any speculation on timeline is exactly that, speculation, I'd say you can stop checking safely until at least after CNY break. Late spring / early summer 2022 would be the earliest even logistically possible, is my guess. Just like my current speculation for the first TECS (arc, passive detents) is late fall / holiday 2022.

Did I highlight that this is speculation? I'm just speculating. It's a guess. I'm not Nostradamus.

VKB seems intent on making me look foolish, too. S'okay, my face also makes me look foolish.

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 17:30
by jntracks
Yikes $27 to ship a $30 part?

I was really excited about this for the Dual GNX I got some months ago... but this seems exorbitant. Am I being petty? It's becoming at $57 part...

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 22:13
by fallout9
The shipping is calculated by the courier and there's nothing we could do about it, unfortunately :(

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 20:39
by tomzo711
I went ahead and ordered mine. I expected it to be between $30-$50 for it before shipping so its still within what I expected to pay. The world is a mess so I expect rising prices.

Re: "Omni Throttle"/angled adapter

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 22:33
by tomzo711
fallout9 wrote:The shipping is calculated by the courier and there's nothing we could do about it, unfortunately :(

I went ahead and ordered mine. I expected it to be between $30-$50 for it before shipping so its still within what I expected to pay. The world is a mess so I expect rising prices.