MCG Pro or MCG Ultimate

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MCG Pro or MCG Ultimate

Postby Spitflier » Wed Jun 22, 2022 16:37

I was thinking about going with the Pro instead of the ultimate, and saving 90 bucks, especially since I don't really care about replacing the ministicks with hats (rather have the extra analog axes) and would actually prefer a lighter brake lever and trigger that are easier to activate quickly.

But I watched some reviews of MCG-Pro on youtube, and the reviewers (Noobifier and Jesse Calder) were saying the MCG-Pro's plastic feels a bit too thin and hollow.
So if it's gonna break after few months and end up costing me more to replace it, I might as well just go with the ultimate.

Are they prone to breakage? Is that a thing?

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Re: MCG Pro or MCG Ultimate

Postby Sandman » Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:28

I have both. Spend the extra couple bucks and get the Ultimate. Huge difference in the feel but more importantly, the option to have extra 5 way buttons.

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Re: MCG Pro or MCG Ultimate

Postby n0v0s » Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:05

Whilst the construction of the MCG is a big step up to the Evo, and subsequently allows for extension and better button functionality overall, it would still feel like the cheaper item in hand.

The perceived tactile improvement from the improved button press feel, from the sturdiness of metal construction and the metal in the grip itself.. those to me warranted the extra. If you're paying nearly £400 landed for a grip, you want it to feel absolutely premium. Not plastic-y, so might as well pay the extra ~£100. £400 isn't exactly cheap to begin with, what's a little more to ensure the best product, on such a premium purchase (imo).

Context; mine is for a gift. So the perceived quality of the grip held a bigger role in the decision making.

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