Gladiator NXT HOSAS with SEM?

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Gladiator NXT HOSAS with SEM?

Postby Sturdivant » Tue Jan 11, 2022 20:25

Last year, I picked up a Righthand Gladiator NXT Premium to dip my toes into Elite Dangerous. I coupled this with an old logitech throttle quadrant I had laying around while waiting for the new NXT offerings from VKB. I'm ready to upgrade.

I'd like to go HOSAS, pairing my Righthand Gladiator NXT Premium with a left hand Gladiator NXT SCG Standard. I'd like to add a GNX SEM or FSM to the mix for some dedicated switches. Is there any reason this wouldn't work? Do I need GNX USB controller, or can I simply plug the SEM or FSM into one of the throttles, and then plug both sticks into my PC? Is this something I can easily configure in VKBDevCfg?

I mostly am doing this to play Elite Dangerous, so if anyone has a better idea than what i've come up with please let me know.


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Re: Gladiator NXT HOSAS with SEM?

Postby fallout9 » Tue Jan 11, 2022 23:40

SEM is easy and could get installed on either side of both left and right hand Gladiator NXT. You don't need any extra parts for this kind of setup.
FSM-GA is a bit more complicated, because it requires another module and a MFH to work with your Gladiators, otherwise you can't attach it.
As about GNX HID controller, you only need these boards if you'll decide to run the modules independently, not attached to a Gladiator NXT.

And good choice on moving on to HOSAS in E:D, as soon as you'll get used to the 2 joysticks you'll realize that this is the only way to play games like E:D and SC.

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