Help with Gladiator nxt evo + sem button dual mode (troggle+normal pressing)

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Help with Gladiator nxt evo + sem button dual mode (troggle+normal pressing)

Postby ricasan » Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:46

Hello there!
I tried a lot but i coundn`t find a solution to this "dual dependant AltBut"

how to set the gladiator button 3 (the front red button) to dual mode (dependent of sem C1 button, as the switch) like:

Normal mode - Button 3 fire while pressed, as normal.
alternate mode - (by button [57] SEM-C1 pressed once), then:
\> Button 3 is turned to AltBut (if 3 pressed once, it is maintained firing, and if 3 pressed again, it stops firing)
and normal mode again, if C1 pressed, and so on.

The closest i came to is use button SEM-C1(57) as a ButAlt for button 3, but it is way far from ideal.
Can someone help with that?

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