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Making STECS/STEM Flap Switch Both 3 Position and Momentary/Temporary

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 21:01
by Kreutzberg
I'm trying to map the flap lever on the STEM module of the STECS to flaps. Some aircraft have more than those three positions, though, so I'd like to make the inputs momentary so it's not overriding other inputs. The problem is that the switch is only two button inputs physically. To add the middle position, it's necessary to use Boolean logic as described here:

It's also possible to make inputs momentary instead of permanent, as described here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6164. There are potentially some other button options like toggle switches, but they all seem to have the same problem of interfering with the Boolean logic to create the third position. I've also tried sending an input to another physical button and making that physical button a generator, but that gives some different inconsistent results.

I suspect that there's some way to work around that with careful Boolean logic, but that's beyond my meager programming skills. Has anyone done anything like this? Thanks!

Re: Making STECS/STEM Flap Switch Both 3 Position and Momentary/Temporary

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:47
by Kreutzberg
I figured out how to do this. This thread discusses making buttons activate on press and release using the toggle function: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7437

That mode has momentary action built in, so I just made the top and bottom buttons both toggles, with the releases pointing to the same virtual button (and disabled the Boolean). Works great!

ETA: I also found a Boolean logic way to do this (starting at 18:46): This software really is powerful!