Virtual Split Throttle with NXT Evo Gladiator

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Virtual Split Throttle with NXT Evo Gladiator

Postby Oridginal » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:19

I've just recently bought an NXT Evo Gladiator Omni and was wondering if it can be used for twin engine control?

The idea would be to convert the two physical axes (X & Y) into two virtual axes (L & R). The math is simple, but my coding ability is weak.

The idea is that the Y axis is the baseline throttle for the left & right engines, while the X axis acts as a sort of differential. Pushing the stick left would reduce power to the left engine, and pushing the stick right reduces power to the right engine.

Normalising the X & Y axes to [-1<X<1] & [-1<Y<1] the math is:

If x=O
L= Y R= Y Else If X < O L= Y*(1+X) R= Y Else If X > 0 L= Y R= Y*(1-X)

Can this sort of thing be done in the VKB config software? Any feedback is appreciate

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Re: Virtual Split Throttle with NXT Evo Gladiator

Postby DeadWalking » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:01

Nice! I had actually been wondering if I could do that also.

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