Absolut mouse control using primary axes

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Absolut mouse control using primary axes

Postby Kaidine » Sat Jan 21, 2023 20:50

Hi all!

First things first, the context:
I just recently bought a Gladiator Evo, and have been loving it! I've been using it to play Mechwarrior 5, using absolute positioning via mouse emulation through an external program. However, I'd like to eliminate the extra software configuration, and do the mouse emulation through the VKB utility.

So far, I've been able to set up mouse control in relative mode no problems - I followed the video tutorial on the youtube page, and it was very thorough. Unfortunately, it only briefly mentions absolute mouse mode in the context of options you can also choose from - nothing about setting it up. I've tried to set up absolute mouse mode using the video tutorial as a guide, but I just can't seem to get it to work at all. The closest I've gotten to success is the 'test' panel in VkbDevconfig showing no axes movement for the desired axes when absolute mouse mode is on - which I am inferring means those movements are being interpreted as something besides just joystick axes, which matches what I see when relative mouse mode is working. However, I don't get any mouse movement at all when in absolute mode. I've also tried reading through the manual, but It doesn't seem to have any instructions for actually getting absolute mouse mode working.

For additional context, I'm running a windows 10 PC with three monitors arranged horizontally; The center one is 2k (2560x1440), while the two on the side are 1080p.I have three controllers that I'd like to use in tandem -the aforementioned VKB Galdiator, a set of VKB T-rudder pedals, and a TWCS throttle. The pedals and throttle are currently working fine.

What I'd like to happen is that, when I the gladiator stick is moved to some position (for example, 50% of the throw to the left, on the X axis), the mouse cursor moves the same way (in the same example, the mouse would be halfway between the left edge of the leftmost monitor, and the center of the three screens). Based on my (admittedly amateur) knowledge, this should be what "absolute mouse " mode does.

My primary concern is that the cursor follows the absolute positioning - I'm not worried about the mouse cursor on the desktop actually ending up in the dead center of the center screen every time,as it'll be captured by the game anyway; I can use tools from within the game itself to re-center things as needed.

Does anyone know how to set this up, or can point me to a guide or part of the manual that explains it? Thanks in advance!

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Re: Absolut mouse control using primary axes

Postby Victorus » Tue Jan 31, 2023 15:53

Try to use Up to date FW&SW. http://alex-oz.strana.de/index.htm
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