Have LEDS turn on/off for Flaps Landing and Landing Gear Down in DCS Game

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Have LEDS turn on/off for Flaps Landing and Landing Gear Down in DCS Game

Postby TH3BUDDHIST#4085 » Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:41

Hello guys,

I am trying to get the LEDs to function based on certain different actions of the plane in DCS. I will illustrate below since I would have trouble explaining if I don't use picture illustrations.

I currently have "Landing Gear Up/Down" in DCS set to the Physical Assignment of #5. So this button enables and disables the landing gear for me in DCS (tap once to open and tap again to close). Other options in DCS are:
• Landing Gear Up
• Landing Gear Down
Pyysical assignment 5.JPG
Physical Assignment #5

I also currently have "Flaps Landing Position" in DCS set to the Physical Assignment of #4. So pushing this down will only open the flap (pushing it again does not do anything).
*No other options exist in DCS that can drop 'Flaps Landing Position'.

Physical Assignment 4.JPG
Physical Assignment #4

And I have "Flaps Up" in DCS set to Physical Assignment of #7. Pressing this button will raise the flaps up, that is all it does.
Other options in DCS are:
• Flaps Up/Down
Physical Assignment 7.JPG
Physical Assignment #7

What I am trying to achieve:

1. Have the LED On when the Landing Gear is Down and LED to be Off when the Landing Gear is Up:
Landing Gear Down (LED On).jpg
Landing Gear Down (LED On)
Landing Gear Up (LED Off).jpg
Landing Gear Up (LED Off)

2. Have the LED On when the Flaps Landing Position is enabled and LED to be Off when the Flaps is Up:
Flaps Landing Position enabled (LED On).jpg
Flaps Landing Position enabled (LED On)
Flaps Up (LED Off).jpg
Flaps Up (LED Off)

I think having these LEDs behave like this will be very cool. I hope this is not too complicated. Thank you in advance.

By the way, this is my Firmware version, I did not update it it is like this out from the box. I only did calibration:

HID-compliant game controller
Product Name: VKBsim Gladiator EVO L
PRO version
T-Link supported
Firmware version: v2.108

Thank you.

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