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Tempo and shift function?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 14:29
by Sprool
I've mapped a shift state to hat switch A3 (Gladiator NXT) so I can then use the U/D/L/R for differnt functions in the shift state, but I only want it to enter the shift-state after a long press. With a short press it should just remain a normal button. Is this possible?
I read the post on here about tempo function on a shifted button, tried to follow the settings but I don't think it gives me the solution I'm looking for. As a newbie I'm still trying to get my head round physical and logical buttons and not dared to investigate boolean fuctions yet!

Re: Tempo and shift function?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 15:04
by Sprool
This post has solved exactly what I needed - thanks! Although I have absolutely no idea why the boolean needs 2 OR function with 2 logical button 49's feeding into it!

Re: Tempo and shift function?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 15:55
by Ron61
It is possible to achieve this result in another way. In order:
1. make Tempo from the central A3 - long press = 46 logical
Tempo A3.jpg

2. since Shift can only be bound to a physical button, then
"jumper" in Boolean from logical we make physical

3. and already on this physical set up Shift1

4. configure the buttons of the hut to work with Shift1 (successively)
Sh1 A3.jpg

5. bind the indication to the Shift1 mode

6. in Global we set up a convenient interval for triggering a long press (Tempo Time)