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MCG, is it possible to switch the Paddle Switch from axis to button on the go?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 14:55
by Pekins
Hello, most often I use the Paddle Switch/brake lever as a button, however recently I started flying the Spitfire and I rather have it as an axis, only way I know of doing this is going into the software and reconfiguring it as so:

I just wanna to be able to switch in between axis and button without having to use VKBDevCfg, is there a way to configure it? Please if anyone could guide me through it.

Re: MCG, is it possible to switch the Paddle Switch from axis to button on the go?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 17:10
by Pekins
I just found when the brake lever is set to a button that the axis still works, so problem resolved.

Re: MCG, is it possible to switch the Paddle Switch from axis to button on the go?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 19:27
by fallout9
If you don't want buttons at all on the brake lever axis just uncheck that box in your screenshot and click on Set button.
But you could have buttons on the brake lever and still be able to map both digital and analog in games: when binding your controls for brake lever axis make sure you're not crossing the button when squeezing the brake (for example, if the button is programmed at the top of the axis start mapping with the brake lever squeezed and move it just a bit so it won't cross the button); when mapping the button in game do the same - make sure you're close to it and squeeze the brake lever just as much as it would cross the button.