Syncing Leds FSM-GA TO MSFS

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Syncing Leds FSM-GA TO MSFS

Postby Limars » Sat Jun 25, 2022 17:33


Is it possible to sync the leds on FSM GA autopilot with MSFS?
I know I can change the colors and status of leds using the VKBDevCfg-C any time I press a button, but when in the game it will not be Syncing with MSFS.
Please help me .

thank you

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Re: Syncing Leds FSM-GA TO MSFS

Postby Noircogi » Sat May 13, 2023 22:40

I just purchased an FSM-GA, and was able to get all of the inputs working reasonably well in MSFS.
I used AxisAndOhs to make the heading bug, VNAV and AP buttons work right. (Activate a script, or execute a toggle event).

The LEDs seem to be very hard to get working correctly. Of course, they should be written based on state in the simulator, not based on button presses of the FSM.
Otherwise, they could easily get out of sync with the virtual buttons in the cockpit or other control devices (I also use a Stream Deck)
I've not been able to find any good documentation on this.
This guy implemented some python scripts to do it, but I was hoping that a simpler method was available via Axis And Ohs, or one of the other similar packages

His source code is here btw:

Has anyone come up with a simpler or more complete system for using the LEDs of the FSM-GA with MSFS 2020?
I would have expected this to be a solved problem by now.

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