Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button ?

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Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button ?

Postby citizen34 » Fri Apr 28, 2023 16:54

Hi there,

I am using a a VKB Gladiator EVO with a SEM attachment.
My configuration tool displays 8 axis as shown below :

TEST axis.jpg

Now the Axis-X and Axis-Y and Rot-Z register as pitch, roll and yaw.
Axis-Z and the two bottom sliders register as the 2 analogue sliders on the SEM extension and the one slide on the EVO stick respectively.
However I am not sure what the remaining Rot-X and Rot-Y do as they seem to be activated in the Axis Profile, but never change with any of the analogue inputs ?!? Can somebody confirm if these remaining axis are useable and what they correspond to on my devices ?

The reason I'm asking is that I would like to use them as follow :
To use the Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button press, so that when I press the modifier button on the j-stick I swap from Axis-X to Rot-X, and when I release it it goes back to being the default Axis-X. Same for Axis-Y and Rot-Y.
Is this possible ? I've tried doing this and when I press the modifier button the original source axis does not respond, and neither does the "target" axis ...
Am I missing something is this even possible ?

Thanks in advance for the clarification.

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Re: Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button ?

Postby fallout9 » Fri Apr 28, 2023 19:53

If you have a Premium SCG stick those axes are assigned to the ministick when in analog mode. Swapping modes on the ministick is being done by pressing the center press button - when the red LED is on, the ministick is in analog/axes mode; when it's off, the ministick is in digital/pov mode. Guide.
If the grip is Standard version those 2 axes are unnalocated.

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Re: Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button ?

Postby citizen34 » Sat Apr 29, 2023 0:24

Hi, thanks for your reply. I did eventually work out there was the other POV ministick that has the 2 analogue axis... Must've completely forgotten about that one ;-) In any case, with a bit of persistence I did manage to switch off the ministick POW hat function and eventually allocate those 2 extra axis to be used another way more suitable for what I was looking for...

I am now using the ministick as a simple push button as I no longer have the two analogue axis. So I was wondering, can I now maybe allocate it to be used as a simple 4-way switch instead like its neighbours are ??
If this is not possible, can I mechanically fix it in place for it to become a simple push button without any sideways movement, like maybe with some of the accessories provided with the kit ?

thanks, michael

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Re: Button Mapping Wizard to create an axis switch on a modifier button ?

Postby fallout9 » Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:41

The ministick has 2 modes: POV/digital, by default and, when pressing the center push button and the round LED on the grip turning red, axes/analog. In the POV mode you could assign it to any digital controls. If you want to have a hat switch, same as the other 2 on the top of the grip, you have a replacement in your baggies; guide here.

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