GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

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GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby 6nfanatic » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:43

Hey guys, i need help.
I tried the how-to but couldnt get it to work. FYI i only fly DCS.

What i currently have: Lever als Axis + Button at the end (its nedded for -F18 where the button is AP disengage -Axis for differential brake like in the mig21)
What i need: in addition to that above ^ i need a modifier to fly (taxi) planes that are equipped with toebrakes left + right (without general brakes f.e. C101)
How that can be archieved: when i press the lever, i need two additional axis that are now on the rudder. Its important to NOT override the current setting, it has to be an additional axis.

This is hard to understand so as an example: I fly f18, i am using constant rudder in that moment. Now i press AP disengage. Now it should still using the rudder, but what has to happen is that there will be the additional axis beeing pressed (toe brake left f.e.) but since the gear is up, nothing will happen.
If the toe brake axis would override the rudder, i would lose my rudder i am using right now because i pressed the AP disengage.

Is that possible?

Here is my current profile




I hope you can help because this is program is so hard to understand :D

Thank you VERY much.


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Re: GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby Ron61 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 13:42

Due to the fact that English is not my native language, it is sometimes difficult to understand what users want. But I will try.

I do not have an F-18 module, but let's try to guess.

If the task is to make differential brakes from single-axis pedals, then you should first transfer the central microstick to the second "virtual" joystick. And in its place we transfer the left microstick. This is done like his.
Before (default)


Then we adjust the brakes to the free space. This is seen in the following picture.
MCG Brake +T-Rudder Brake.png

5 axis is not used - you can remove the check-boxes En, Vs.
Try it, maybe this is what you need? Naturally, after that you need to reconfigure the buttons in the game in accordance with the new layout HAT and Povs.
Do not forget to calibrate.

p.s. corrected the pictures now correctly

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Re: GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby 6nfanatic » Thu Apr 18, 2019 14:04

Ron, perfect! That should do the trick!
One problem left, now i only can move the Thumbslew to the Up and Down (Rot Z Axis) not Left and right (maybe Rot Y?).
Can you tell me what the problem is?

Also: On the Blackbox the Pedal LED is off - but Rudder is working // and Stick LED is flashing green. What does that mean? Sys LED steady Blue

Also there is one image of yours missing:

Then we adjust the brakes to the free space. This is seen in the following picture.
The attachment MCG Brake +T-Rudder Brake.png is no longer available

Thanks! Mark




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Re: GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby 6nfanatic » Fri Apr 26, 2019 16:23

Hello Rob,

did you had time checking the issue with the Slew?

Also i figured a small issue with your solution: For planes like Mig21 in DCS: There is only the brake lever and the rudder as an axis. If i bind the new Slider1 or 2 to the lever axis ingame, the axis will change when i apply rudder.

So is there the option to have a third axis for the lever without an amplifier from the rudder? (Like just the axis of the lever)

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Re: GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby 6nfanatic » Fri Apr 26, 2019 18:27

Hello Rob,

i figured it out by myself.
I got it working now as i hoped it would be possible.
With my setup now, i can fly in DCS mig21 differential-brake (with VKB lever+rudder), warbirds with Toe-brakes (with VKB virtualBrakev3+ & virtualBrakev3-) and F18/f14 with NSW & Toe-Brakes (with VKB lever+rudder & virtualBrakev3+ & virtualBrakev3-).

Here is how it is looking with a description:


________________Now how you need to set it up________________

First of all, i got rid of the axis for the MasterMode - i didnt use them at all. So my Gate-cont (i use this for Radar-Slew) is now on axis 3&4.


Then i disabled that axis on the POV:


After this, i bound the now free axis 5&6 to the new toe brakes Left and right:


i hope it helps.


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Re: GF MCG Pro + T-Rudder Toe brake Help

Postby FiresharkX » Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:00

Hi, I also fly DCS with warbirds and several jets. I would like to use your solution as it looks like the best one for me.

I have followed every instruction and picture very carefully several times and I always have the same problem below:

When I activate the brake lever, all 3 axis activate at the same time, rather than only the brake lever alone and then the individual brakes only with the combination of left or right rudder.

If I press brake lever+rudder I will get an inverse value on the side I press on the rudder. (below is with right rudder)

I feel like this is probably a really easy fix, but I have no idea what I'm doing in the software. It doesn't make much sense to me.

Thank you very much for any help.

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