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VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:58
by AeroGator
Fellow Pilots,

First and foremost, we are extremely - extremely! - happy with the success of Gladiator K.
In this uneasy times such a warm reception you all gave to a new model should be, and needless to say, IS very sincerely appreciated.
Thank you for your trust and support.

As you know, mid July to end of August is usually our lazy time. A mid-sized company as we are, with core engineers scattered all over the world, needs to have some time when we can all physically meet at least once a year, and see what we got done since our last gathering, and think what we shall do in the coming year.
This time there is no chance for a sweet holiday like this.
However, I have to admit, we are really worn out after what happened last winter. We need some time off and away from our computers.

This was to say our headquarters' team is going on holiday.

Sales and Support During Vacation:
This will not affect sales, and of course tech support will be working as usually.
Stock and Supply:
We have enough Gunfighter bases, as well as different grips, Strongholds, and pedals, to last for a good half a year. "Out of stock" situation is pretty unlikely, and will only mean the shop database wasn't updated on time.
We don't expect any emergency here.

Talking about Gladiator K, or Kladiator, as many called it, we have something to ruminate over.
Its sweeping success made us give more attention to this market segment, and it came very handy that we had some interesting ideas up our sleeves literally waiting for such occasion.
Now, we are taking a short (couple of months) time out with Kladiators. We need to think how we can perfect this little beast for bigger scale production, and what to improve in the new batches based on your feedback.
I hope you will like what we may come up with.
Anyway, it's good this time out is falling on our annual leave, so just wait... we will tell you what has brewed up after we're back... Gladiator will be back, too.

Please keep enjoying flights with VKB gear, and we will see you again soon!

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 17:06
by realalec
Does this mean I shouldn't expect the Gladiator-K to be in stock again any time soon? My other stick just broke :( so I've been looking for a replacement. I'm wondering if the timeframe for new units is days, weeks, or months.

Enjoy your vacation!

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:20
by UIV
A few months.

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 19:13
by Stonehenge
Can somebody tell me when Eduard will be back?

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:00
by UIV
I sent him a message.

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:58
by Stonehenge
Good to know! Thank you very much :D

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 0:33
by Eduard VKB FSC
Stonehenge wrote:Can somebody tell me when Eduard will be back?

Hi Stonehenge,
EU team is back to work. We are busy now with all pending emails, tickets, orders etc. It will take couple of days to get through them.

Re: VKB 2020 Annual Vacation

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 23:42
by Stonehenge
Thank you for your fast response :D So i'm in the "waiting-mode" now :wink: