Possible to rename VKB devices in Windows

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Possible to rename VKB devices in Windows

Postby stucutting » Fri May 24, 2024 20:30

Not sure if this is possible but can my VKB joysticks and pedals be renamed at all in windows or the VKB software? I play a lot of Star Citizen and whenever my joysticks get unplugged accidently it messes up the windows ID for them and I end up having to spend time re-ordering the joysticks or in a worst case when the id number goes above 5 I have to redo all the keybinds. I found out that the game will automatically set joysticks to devices 1 and 2 if they have left and right in the names and pedals to device 3 if they have the word pedals in them. It would save so much time and allow me to unplug them more if I could change the name them VKB-Sim Gladiator NXT Right instead of VKB-Sim Gladiator NXT R for example.

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Re: Possible to rename VKB devices in Windows

Postby fallout9 » Sun May 26, 2024 4:20

Can't change their name, sorry, or at least not in a manner that would count for what you're trying; this is a technical issue which eventually will get fixed in game at some point. Until then, only an utility like HidHide would help, or the pp_resortdevices in game.

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Re: Possible to rename VKB devices in Windows

Postby mattcaron » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:11

I would also like this feature.

I use mine to play a lot of DOSBox games and it only displays the first dozen or so characters which say "VKB Gladiator..."

That's great, but I have a left and a right and I don't know which one the bind is mapped to, because the full name is cut off...

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