A1 Sticks Issues

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A1 Sticks Issues

Postby Someandsome » Thu Apr 11, 2024 20:23

Hey there,

loving my Gladiators Nxt Evo Premium.
Unfortunately it seems there are some issues with the A1 Sticks. On my left Nxt when pulling down to the edge the movement goes up and on my right Stick when pushing to the left edge it goes right. So it forces me to try to move carefully to not trigger the opposite direction. When trying virtual mice this problem is apparent.
Anyone maybe has an idea or knows about this issues?

Just retested and the right A1 stick moves not only at the left edge to the right, it also moves at the top edge to down as well.

Thanks in advance

Here in action.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/17bzaKD ... sp=sharing

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Re: A1 Sticks Issues

Postby fallout9 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:07

The ministick has to be calibrated, so here's the procedure for resetting and calibrating the joystick: Run VKBDevCfg, select the device at the top, click the Default button under the Tools tab, then click Yes to the configure popup and No to the calibrate popup. Click the Start Calibr button, move the joystick along pitch and roll, twist it, click the center push button of the ministick and when the smaller, round LED turns red move the ministick all around, push the mini-throttle up and down.

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Re: A1 Sticks Issues

Postby Someandsome » Wed Apr 17, 2024 23:21

It took a while, but I wanted to say my thanks fallout. It did the trick.

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