Increase number/length/frequency of specific virtual encoder without using virtual axis

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Increase number/length/frequency of specific virtual encoder without using virtual axis

Postby tanr » Sun Jan 28, 2024 0:25

Trying to adjust only a specific encoder on the left throttle grip of the STECS Standard to give longer or more frequent pulses, without creating a virtual axis. I need to keep the global T_Enc between 20 and 24 to allow the STEM base encoders to work efficiently for my use.

Physical layer for this is an EnV (Encoder Virtual), which I believe means the only option for the encoder type dropdown below is Virt.

As an EnV, with type "Virt" is there any way to adjust pulses as I would have with the old fashioned 1/4...4/4 settings? It seems that checking "New Opt" and setting the MPL values only works for virtual axis.

Should I just disable the global setting "External device encoders virtualization"? If so, what will that break? Feel like I'm missing an obvious solution.

Feel free to tell me to RTFM, but please point me to relevant documentation with a small explanation (been scanning the dev config user guide without managing to solve this yet).

Thanks in advance! (Posted this on Discord a couple days ago, but no response so posting here.)

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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2021 0:10

Re: Increase number/length/frequency of specific virtual encoder without using virtual axis

Postby tanr » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:06

For now I'm making this work by just mapping the two "physical" virtual encoder buttons to macro 1 and macro 2, with those macros just pressing the same logical buttons the encoder was previously mapped to, but with a hold and release time I can set.

I'd rather not use macros for this if there is a simpler solution, so do let me know if I've missed something easier!

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