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New NXT EVO Gladiator OOB one axis very sluggish.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 18:08
by Frontplayer82
Hi everybody,

I just got my new Gladiator and am super exited. After mounting the Stick to the base I noticed that not all axis return to the center at the same speed.

Especially when I push the stick forward it returns to the center pretty slowly compared to the other directions.
From the back position to center it is faster than front to center but still slower than left/right.
Left/Right "feels" good and recenters quite quickly.

Any idea what the reason could be and if I can do anything on my end to check or even repair it?

Re: New NXT EVO Gladiator OOB one axis very sluggish.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 23:03
by Victorus
Look at dampers.