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GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:04
by Thomp5821
I purchased a GNX WWII throttle combo (GNX THQ/ GNX SEM); it worked for awhile, but the VKB software no longer recognizes it. The device shows up on the configurator as VKB Sim NXT XT V2.108, but there are no axes and no buttons work. Please help!

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:52
by fallout9
Please post a screenshot with the whole window of VKBDevCfg.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:09
by Thomp5821
Screenshot attached. Thank you.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:16
by fallout9
Firmware and software versions are incompatible, let's flash the unit to the latest:
- download the zBootloader and the latest firmware package;
- unzip them both in the same dedicated folder where VKBDevCfg is;
- unplug the other VKB devices to ease the process;
- close VKBDevCfg and run zBootloader as Admin;
- select your device on the bottom side of the window and click Start Boot button;
- when the device restarts in bootloading mode select it again, then press the ... buton;
- navigate through the firmware folder to Gladiator_NXT_series folder and chose the file labeled _Gladiator_NXT_v2_12_2.vkb;
- after loading the file click the Flash It! button;
- when the flashing is over the zBootloader will close automatically;
- run VKBDevCfg as Admin, select this device at the top, then press the Default button under the Tools tab;
- after the device restarts you'll get a popup asking you to configure, click Yes;
- after another restart click the Start Calibr button, move all the axes on the modules and when done click the End Calibr button;
- if you'll add any more axes on the SEM afterwards don't forget to recalibrate.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 22:51
by Thomp5821
I get to step 5, and I get the screen VKB1 attached. Whether I double click on "VKBim NXT V2.10.8," or highlight it, when I press Start Boot I get Screen VKB2 attached ("zBoot Njoy32"). I then press ... and select the file you indicate and I get Screen VKB3 attached. I have also tried highlighting "VKBim NXT V2.10.8" and selecting the file and I still get Screen VKB3. Thanks for your patience and help.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 23:51
by fallout9
My mistake, sorry - the name of the file you have to flash is actually _GNX_USB_Controller_v2_12_1_XT2.vkb

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:04
by Thomp5821
I did all of that. It seemed to work, I calibrated, and then a couple of minutes later, before I could run msfs, it started flashing blue. MSFS didn't recognize it. Now, when I try to run the bootloader sequence again, it seems to work, but it cuts off and a purple light starts flashing on the device. Thanks.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:14
by Thomp5821
In fact, if it helps any, that is how the problem started. When I received the device, it worked fine, I calibrated it, and it worked with msfs for several days, and then stopped, none of the lights lit up except the blue flashing light on the front. Now, after the reboot sequence we discussed above, all I get is a purple flashing light. Thanks again.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 22:18
by fallout9
Just to make sure you're doing the right steps: press Default button under Tools tab, then click Yes when the configure window pops up, then calibrate.
Please post a new screenshot with the Global/External panel.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 19:13
by Thomp5821
OK, I must have run this process 20 times. I intended this morning to try again and get screenshots of every step of the process to send to you, but it worked! I ran MSFS 2020 and it recognized the throttle and the throttle worked on an airplane in the sim. So I will cross my fingers and hope it holds. My next challenge is to integrate another GNX THQ module that I purchased from VKB into this WWII setup so I can have prop and mixture controls as well. Cross my fingers on that as well. Thanks for your help, I hope this completes it. -- DMT

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 21:21
by fallout9
Glad to see you've managed to get it to work. When you'll add the other THQ just make sure it's on a Subaddress other than 4.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:28
by Thomp5821
Well bad news. It worked fine for a couple of sessions and then in the middle of a flight, it stopped working and the blue light started flashing and all the other LED's went off. What now? Thanks.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:03
by fallout9
Test it plugged directly to the back of computer. Unplug other USB devices if necessary. Could be a power issue.

Re: GNX WWII Throttle Combo

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:39
by Thomp5821
It was plugged in directly before, but I plugged it into another USB directly. The blue light still flashes. Anything else Ican try? If I have to flash it again, I think I am going to send it back. Thanks again for your help.