MCG Pro Replace 5-Way Switches

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MCG Pro Replace 5-Way Switches

Postby MuzlL0dr » Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:05

Hi all,

I've had my MCG Pro for about a year now and I'm having an issue that keeps driving me to the Kosmosima stick even though I much prefer the feel of the MCG.

I have real trouble using the 5 way switches. The clicks register with such little pressure that I always end up hitting buttons that I don't intend. Flick sideways? Nope, click middle. Click middle? Nope, clicked down. Etc. The issue is really exacerbated when I am flying ham-fisted in combat. Mis-clicks happen so often that I keep going back to the Kosmosima since the 5 way switches require *very* deliberate presses to get to register. (It's the base model that actually uses 5 mini switches instead of a 5 way switch. BUT I much prefer the functionality and feel of the MCG so I don't want to be stuck using the Kosmo.

I'd love to hear any suggestions, ideas, or replacement parts that would work to end the frustration.

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