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VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:09
by blackram
Hi, I would like to know if someone had this problem with his Gladiator pro. Since I migrated from twist stick to Gladiator pro MKI and rudder pedals, sometimes in fearce dogfight I unwittingly twist a grip a bit (I would say I didnt used much force). The grip then twists to the left considerably. I managed to solve the problem temporarly by just tightening the screw wich hold the grip on to the base (I tightened very, very firmly). After a while the grip twisted again. In the past I saw some similar topic on the net but I want to know if this is normal (I doubt). Visually, both the grip and the base looks and feels ok.

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 17:24
by Sokol1
Blue Loctite™. :mrgreen:

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 17:34
by blackram
Yeah right, to superglue the removable grip on a 300$ joystick...

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 21:59
by Sokol1
This black two pieces of the lock mechanism is metal or plastic? If is plastic could be flexed due over tight and need be replaced:

Available in Aliexpress

BTW - The suggested Loctite™ is not the"Super Glue", but the threadlock (242), that is relatively easy to remove if need, but will make good effect if all pieces of the lock are in metal.

About use Loctite™ in a "$300" game controller*, why not? Is used even in thousand dollars machines. :wink:

* BTW - There are funny stories of people trying remove the CAM screws from the VPC gimbal, where was used Loctite™ red (243 or 270). :mrgreen:

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 20:51
by blackram
On all pro Gladiators the lock mechanisam is metal. Like I said Im not the only one with this problem. What is irritating is that vkb stuff arent responding. Once you buy their product, specially if out of warranty, they just dont care...

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:03
by AeroGator
blackram wrote:Once you buy their product, specially if out of warranty, they just dont care...
Not a good beginning of a conversation. Help will come as soon as it can be delivered. There is no, and has never been, a promise of 24/7 live support.

Re: VKB Gladiator pro MKI - grip keeps twisting

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:31
by AeroGator
Sand off equal amount of the rusks. Don't go too far, it will be not-undoable. 0.5 mm will be plenty.
Tighten the screw. Loctite won't hurt.
Happy flights.