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DIY general aviation grip > modify adaptor

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 23:52
by FrankP

I am working on a simpit for a Diamond Aircraft DA40. I have bought a Gunfighter Mk.II for it and printed a more-general aviation-like grip to represent the grip of an autopilot-equipped DA40. To attach the grip to the extension that came with the Ginfughter Mk.II Pro, I bought a "Warthog Adaptor for Gladiator Pro Mk.I (5-pin)". The adaptor only has to connect the grip mechanically, as all the buttons are connected to a separate arduino.

To make that work, I somehow need to remove the 5-pin connector from the adaptor. How can that be done? Can I simply push the pin assembly downwards?

Will the roll and pitch axis from the Gunfighter work when there is no grip attached to the pin connector?

Many thanks,
Frank P.