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Gladiator Pro Mk II w MCG has two problems

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:39
by Salty62
I just received my MCG Pro for the Gladiator base. I've flashed, defaulted and calibrated. Two issues, first, my mode button does not work as it did originally. It is constant red and will not go to green when pressed. Is this now normal with the MCG? Second, I set my POV switches to buttons using the global setting of external generic device, with N set to 5. POV#2 now shows two button presses for each movement of the hat instead of one. Unfortunately, after reversing this procedure, i.e. switching back to MCG device, the POV#2 switch still shows two button pushes for each movement of the switch. Any suggestions?

Re: Gladiator Pro Mk II w MCG has two problems

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:27
by Victorus
Please show screenshots of Ext. devices tab, logical and physical axes and buttons, Axes 2 buttons tabs too.