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Grip pinouts

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 17:56
by alberto
Hello, is possible to have a pinouts description of the grips? I would like to use the new Modern Combat Grip with a MS FFB2 and an arduino. Thank you

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 20:05
by Ron61
You demand the impossible, unfortunately :shock: :) .

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 20:14
by alberto
well, if VKB can provide some DIY to use the grip with an arduino or any other controller then will only be better for them, more people will buy it I think

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 20:36
by Sokol1

VKB grips communicate with base controller trough a digital protocol using a 3 way wire (+, -, signal).

So for for use MCP grip in this MSFFB2 conversion, you will need remove any circuit inside grip and add there a Shift Register board (relatively easy and cheap, if space is not issue) and plug this in Arduino (with Shift Register compatible firmware) using a serial protocol through 5 wires cable. Doable, but will take more work that just "plug and play". :wink:

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 21:02
by alberto
thanks... I will order one when available and mod :D

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 0:21
by Sokol1
So for for use MCP grip in this MSFFB2 conversion, you will need remove any circuit inside grip and add there a Shift Register board (relatively easy and cheap, if space is not issue) and plug this in Arduino (with Shift Register compatible firmware) using a serial protocol through 5 wires cable. Doable, but will take more work that just "plug and play".

I forget a detail, the "brake" lever and mini-stick MaRS digital inputs, so instead do the above MOD you just get MCG grip version compatible with Warthog base - because this versions has a additional electronic circuit for translate MaRS "mini-stick" axis digital inputs in button press to be compatible with Warthog base, in their original form their are compatible only with VKB Njoy32 controllers.

This version will be compatible with controllers with firmware with Shift Register support, e.g. Warthog/Cougar bases, DIY MMJoy2, Easy Joy32 One and I guess the controllers used in Baur/VirPil bases.

Notice that in any case you will loose the ability for use that "brake lever" and mini-stick as proportional axis, will be only a button press.

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:59
by Monroe07
Sokol1 wrote:Alberto,

VKB grips communicate with base controller trough a digital protocol using a 3 way wire (+, -, signal).

So for for use MCP grip in this MSFFB2 conversion, you will need remove any circuit inside grip and add there a Shift Register board (relatively easy and cheap, if space is not issue) and plug this in Arduino (with Shift Register compatible firmware) using a serial protocol through 5 wires cable. Doable, but will take more work that just "plug and play". :wink:

Sokol1, what is the protocols actual name? Is it a standard protocol like I2C, Serial etc?

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:00
by Sokol1
No, protocol is proprietary of VKB, work only with their Njoy32 controller, as well the MaRS sensor used in MCG PRO grip.

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 19:52
by Monroe07

Any chance you know the protocol and can help me with info on how to read it? Looking at it through an oscilloscope, it looks like a ppm (pulse position modulation) signal used by RC planes. I'm trying to use the, albeit expensive, MK. IV pedals in an interface to control an RC plane. My only other recourses are to decode it myself using an oscilloscope and protocol analyzer or build my own PCB that takes the place of the sensor board and outputs a friendlier protocol for my purposes.

Re: Grip pinouts

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:33
by Sokol1
I don't know nothing about codes - just that VKB use proprietary codes. :mrgreen:

Look, for DIY (almost) nothing is impossible, but to make a VKB MCG grip work with other joys electronics or Arduino you will need replace their interior electronics and proprietary MaRS sensors. In the end you will use only the plastic shells and some switches and are not able to use their exclusive features like brake lever and mini-sticks (proprietary) contact less sensors. Don't sounds a good idea spent all that money to have a "Frankens'tick" working at the best like a Warthog grip.