vkb black box blinks with yellow LED, red LED, and red LED, and an error occurs.

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vkb black box blinks with yellow LED, red LED, and red LED, and an error occurs.

Postby IQ_1000 » Sun May 26, 2024 5:10

Hello. I was using vkb Gunfighter, and when I restarted my computer yesterday, the black box LED changed to yellow LED and red LED. It also says that the vkb software has encountered an error. I tried various methods again, but they did not work, so I am contacting you. please help me

Desktop Screenshot 2024.05.25 -

Desktop Screenshot 2024.05.25 -

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Re: vkb black box blinks with yellow LED, red LED, and red LED, and an error occurs.

Postby fallout9 » Sun May 26, 2024 12:38

You screenshots won't show up unfortunately. But, in any case, just reset to default your device and recalibrate. Make sure the joystick is connected to computer through the USB ports at the back of computer or powered USB hub.

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