Problem with VKB Gladiator NXT with side modules and Freespace games

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Problem with VKB Gladiator NXT with side modules and Freespace games

Postby Cheyyen » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:33

Before I got my side modules (sem and thq) I was able to use my Gladiator just fine with both Freespace games. Today I decided to play them again and I've encountered a problem.

The game only detects the modules (in Knossos launcher "joystick selection" window. Not only that - the game only detecs one of the THQ handles, the right one. It also treats it as an X axis. Strangely enough, when I leave the stick selection as autodetect it treats it as Joy 0, but when I select it as Joy 0 it treats it as Joy 1 (I can see it while trying to change binds). No other button or axis works.

At first I thought that its because its an old game, but I checked Wing Commander 1 and 3 (GOG version) and it detects it just fine (Gladiator works "out of the box" with no settings required.

Any solution? I would like to use one of the THQ axis handles as a throttle in Freespace games.

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Re: Problem with VKB Gladiator NXT with side modules and Freespace games

Postby Delta » Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:05

Sounds like it is connected to VCs. Since an NXT base (Evo or classic does not matter) and a THQ combined have one more axis than most hames support, the controller automatically splits itself into two. One with all the stick axis and two of the throttles, the other one with just the remaining throttle. Due to Windows limitations, they both have the same name.

Check the game setting if two sticks with the same name exist, and try the other one. If that does not work, it may be necessary to disable one of the throttle levers (thankfully a dual handle should be included) or to run the lever off a separate USB connection using the GNX-HID board.

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Re: Problem with VKB Gladiator NXT with side modules and Freespace games

Postby Cheyyen » Wed Oct 25, 2023 0:09

Ok, thx a bunch

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