SOLVED - GF4 MK3 black box Led 0 (blue) disappeared

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SOLVED - GF4 MK3 black box Led 0 (blue) disappeared

Postby KPX » Tue Oct 10, 2023 16:58

I was working on a new GF4 profile (defining 2 POV + tempo and button alt) -> OK.
I have done some job on leds to signal that POV were active or not. Use led 1 and 11. Everything seems to work but no more blue led on BBMKIII, even in calibration mode, led was not blinking.
I loaded and set an initial profile and the blue led came back. I compared both leds tables (no led and led ok) and did not saw a difference.
What have I done to loose this blue led (led 0 I suppose).

Best regards

P.S. Info needed as I do not want to configure my GFIV then loose again this led :D (so need to restart configuration :mrgreen: )

Problem solved via Discord - Line #4 on led tab was modified "SHIFT" 0 instead of "external". Revert event to external and blue led back.

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