STECS Ministick Alignment

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STECS Ministick Alignment

Postby buck_satin » Fri Sep 01, 2023 21:02

Thanks for a great product, I'm very pleased overall with my Standard!
I'm having a problem in Star Citizen with the ministick.

The stick has four natural corners, Up, Down, Left & Right

I use it for strafing i.e. push up, ship goes up, right? Well not exactly, when I push up into the corner of the throw, the ship goes up and to the right. Down gives me down and to the left, etc.

What I noticed is that when the ministick is in the corners of the stick throw both axes are engaged in the Rot X & Rot Y. The way to achieve a strafe straight up is to put the stick in the center of the throw exactly between the "corners".

(someone will tell me to practice hitting the center of the side, get good, right?)

Is there a solution to this? Is it intended to function this way? Maybe a Config setting to rotate the Z axis of the input 45°? (I know, I know, this is how a joystick functions but when using your thumb, sideways, it's natural tendency is to find those corners, if it was circular (like my CH Prod. throttle is) then it would be less of an issue too I guess).

Stecs MiniSt UP.png

Stecs MiniSt DOWN.png

Stecs MiniSt LEFT.png

Stecs MiniSt RIGHT.png

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