Programming a button as mouse wheel on GNXT

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Programming a button as mouse wheel on GNXT

Postby tuffysdad » Mon Mar 07, 2022 0:49

Hi All: I am trying to make a button on my Gladiator NXT be a substitute for the mouse wheel (up button = mouse wheel up, and down button = mouse wheel down) in DCS. I have looked at the config software and checked the manual. First, I assigned the buttons for mouse wheel control within DCS (in UI section). It works, but incrementally not continuously as I would like (holding down the button to be like continuously rotating the mouse wheel). The current setting in config is Simple Button (B). I read about a "Button with Fixation" programming option which might work (identified as BA) except I can't find the option among the programming choices. Programming the Button-Alt (A) option does not change the button incremental behavior and I cannot find a BA option. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.

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