NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

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NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

Postby GrahamH61 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 3:28

Hi guys, I recently added the SEM and THQ Desktop versions to my Gladiator NXT Std. Loving the Gladiator btw.
I have them all joined together with the joystick being on the right, the SEM in the middle and the THQ on the left.
I play IL2 and MSFS and loved the idea of having the Flaps lever and Landing gear as two distinct controls.
I have set up the flaps and landing gear to be axes and calibrated them accordingly. When I do a test, they are functional.
However in the games ie. IL-2 and MSFS when I set them in the key mappings, they don't work.
Can anyone show me how to configure them for IL-2 nd MSFS 2020 please?any thanks.

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Re: NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

Postby Casualclick » Wed Feb 16, 2022 23:15

Just purchased an NXT with Kosmo grip and the SEM myself for MSFS use.

What I have found for flaps is mapping to Flaps Axis, not Flaps Axis (0-100). It's funky though because I have the two position detant bar installed, and I really want to configure this primarily for the Cessna 172, which has a four position flap lever. I'm going to remove the two-position and try the four to see what happens, but I suspect I need to run without any detant.

LG is still hit or miss. I have the three position detant installed. I'm going to put in the two (which makes sense for MSFS since all the stock planes that have retractable gear are either up or down) and retest.

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Re: NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

Postby dp111 » Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:26

I have been able to get both to "work". However, not nearly how I imagined they would. The gear lever is basically a toggle...not "up" and "down". It only toggles in one direction, even though I map it for both (IL-2). I did not get the 2-detent block with mine. I got two 3's instead. Wouldn't make a difference, though. The flap lever is basically the same. I discovered that the K rockers work very well for flaps!!

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Re: NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

Postby Casualclick » Thu Feb 17, 2022 22:13

I got it to work with the Four Block Detent in MSFS.

Here is my configuration. This will honor all four flaps positions on the Cessna 172 - (fully up/retracted, position 1, position 2, fully down). Do not use any sliders, it's just not going to work and it hangs the Options-Controls dialog box for a bit.

Joystick Button 61 - Retract Flaps
Joystick Button 60 - Flaps 1
Joystick Button 59 - Flaps 2
Joystick Button 58 - Flaps 3

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Re: NXT SEM THQ- Cant get Flaps and Landing gear Axis to work

Postby Sokol1 » Mon Feb 21, 2022 18:29

GrahamH61 wrote:... SEM and THQ versions to..
I have set up the flaps and landing gear to be axes and calibrated them accordingly. When I do a test, they are functional.
However in the games ie. IL-2 and MSFS when I set them in the key mappings, they don't work.

This varies on game and plane, you can't have a "0 to 100"% progressive flap adjust in any plane in any game.

In IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles (Battle of 'X') can't use analog axis for control flaps in any plane, because the game controls don't support axis for this function.

In Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946 "vanilla" is the same, don't know in the highly modded versions.

In IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover/Tobruk can use analog axes for flaps control, however the axis will work as "ON-OFF" lever, not progressive "0 to 100%", despite for, e.g. Bf 109, Hurricane... flaps can be adjusted (IRL) in any degree between 0 and ~40º, other planes like Spitfire has just Up and Down positions.
Sames goes for Landing gear control, can use the axis but will be an "ON-OFF" button, can't leave the gear in any position, just Up or Down.

MSFS is not "my cup o tea", but probable will depends on plane - if they are modeled like the real ones.

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