Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

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Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Tue Sep 29, 2020 5:47

I recently received a pair of Gladiator NXTs and have been overall satisfied with them, save for one thing. The twist on both has sticktion when twisted at slower rates. Meaning, they catch and require a further degree more pressure applied to un-stick and begin moving smoothly again. The right is noticeably worse than the left, but both have sticktion when twisted at a slow rate. I emailed VKB and they recommended giving it some use time for the grease in the twist mechanism. I have been trying that, but it has not improved and I am starting to close in on my 14 day return period. I would say I have spent ~6 hours in the last week trying to break them in, I would have spent more time trying but the twist sticktion has made flying an absolute joykill, so I have just been trying to stomach flying with them as much as I can in hope it will clear it up, but to no avail. Any possible remedies that I can try? Don't want to return them, but I would honestly rather use my Logitech 3D Extreme/T1600m combo this was meant to replace. :cry:

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby fallout9 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 5:55

If your desk is too high/chair too low, so you're like hanging from the joysticks when flying then this could happen. Try to get into a comfortable position where you twist without having to press on the joystick, with the wrists in straight line with the forearm.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:08

The issue is still there even if I twist the stick without resting my hand on the stick.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby fallout9 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:10

Then maybe you should try re-greasing them with Nyogel 767A - no one ever complained about any stiction on any kind of joystick after using it.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby Killa » Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:17

Hi. I have a little of the same problem when I first twist the z axis from center it has a little stick to it.
Would this video be compatible with taking the grip apart even though the nxt has a longer yoke? ...

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Tue Sep 29, 2020 22:20

I contacted tech support about regreasing my stick and they informed me I would not be able to return it if I did regrease it and still had a problem. Being that my only options are to try fixing the stick myself and forfeiting the possibility of return if it didn't pan out or return it, I've chosen to return it. Unfortunate, but requiring customers to attempt fixing brand new products they just purchased, themselves at their cost, at the risk of being left out to dry if it doesn't work is simply unacceptable.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby fallout9 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:41

No one forced you to 'fix' anything because firstly nothing was broken and secondly it was just a suggestion. I'm sure Leica wouldn't accept that 60mm Elmarit back if you'd consider that the focus ring is too sticky for your taste and would decide to open it up and lubricate it yourself.
Sorry it didn't worked out for you and good luck on your future device.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:49

A joystick that sticks right out of the factory is not in working order. I have never had a stick deliver new with stick, not even $40 Logitechs. No one forced me to try fixing it, but VKB tech support only told me to ask the forum for help, so here I came. Lens manufacturers do service or swap lenses with rings that stick, or at least Nikon does, as that is not a properly functioning lens. The only lenses I've had with stick were from the 80s. I disassemble my own lenses for re-greasing when needed, so I take no issue with re-greasing a joystick, but being told by a company that my only option to have a sticky product straight from the factory corrected is to attempt fixing it on my own dollar and forfeit being able to return it is another matter.

Btw, "...too sticky for your taste" makes no sense. It either sticks or it doesn't. But apparently some stick is to be expected with the NXT, according to you.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby Escapetaxi » Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:35

To be honest, that up-lifting Twist System is not a optimal Concept. You can get used to it, but still... somewhat weird.

And I have a MCG Twist Adapter here - same Issue - it is slightly sticking, not returning to Center properly. Also I hear some
inconsistent grinding inside there.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby fallout9 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 17:08

I really don't want to get into a debate here; things are pretty straight: you like it or not. If you like it be happy with it, if you don't just return it, end of story. If it was a single grip with issues I would've have said 'send it back and you'll get a new one'. But you have 2 and there's almost no chance both of them to be defective. It's rather that you are a very sensitive person on twisting matters (absolutely nothing wrong with that), because if it was a general problem with the joysticks, reported at how many thousands have been sold, you'd see more people complaining on this forum.

@Escapetaxi - MCG twist adapter is a totally different thing, another design and it's metal. Please don't wait for someone to tell you there's something wrong with it, open it up and see what's going on and fill up a service ticket.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Wed Sep 30, 2020 22:41

I guess the other customer who chipped in on this thread that he has twist stick too was a phantom huh? And because both of my sticks have the same problem, my claim becomes less credible? That is nonsensical.

I have had 3 T1600ms ($50) and 2 Extreme 3d's ($40), none of which have had any stick. Defending a $150 stick for having issues that not even the cheapest sticks have, and smearing a customer as a luxury-snob for expecting a joystick to move smoothly is pretty incredible. Honestly, I'm not bothered by the fact they have stick issues as they are a first batch being sent straight from the manufacturer. Likely a small issue that will get sorted out with follow-up batches, no big deal. but being told by the manufacturer that they won't correct my order's issues and to return them, and being smeared and dismissed by their tech "support" forum is more than enough to ensure I will be vocal from now on regarding VKB.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby fallout9 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 22:58

No one is 'smearing' or 'dismissing' you. You've been offered a product you don't like - fine, just return it, you've been told several times. Just stop acting like you've been cheated because it's not the case.
Btw, why do you have 3 T16s?

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby ddrake1984 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:15

I have an NXT and would like to chime in with my results on this stiction.
I have no stiction, I am not saying you didnt experience it, but its highly likely that you might be using your Gladiator differently to me?

To Killa and Escaperaxi
Please understand the term stiction as opposed to friction, I want to offer some clarity.
Stiction is when you move along an axis and it sticks(holds briefly) and as the more pressure you apply, its skips and jumps sometimes instead of going 1% gradually, it might skip a few % at a time. Very easily seen with low quality low grease products (Thrustmaster Weapons Control System) aka TWCS.

What you will find instead in a product like the Gladiator NXT is that it has better quality grease and its applied more thoroughly, what you will experience is Friction, not Stiction!
Friction will make the actuation of an axis more smoothly but it will have resistance as this is in its nature. If this is something you don’t want, then remove the grease and you will not have this feeling.

The mechanism that raises the grip slightly to activate twist is a genius idea and offers axis separation, without this you will have axis bleed and you will be less accurate on the axis you desire to use. Without this option would be a stupid idea and only cheap crappy sticks have a no cam design on twist, this is what separates casual pilots from skilled ones.

Just my 2 cents

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby 60mm » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:29

I posted in a thread about the NXT on the Elite Dangerous forum and had multiple people responding saying they had the same issue.

"I had this same issue with my Gladiator K. It wouldn't return fully to center when I slowly twisted the grip to the right."

"Mine was like that when I first used it, although I fitted the grip myself." In response to the previous quote.

"My NXT had a severe stiction problem out of the box"

The good news is everyone is reporting the problem eventually went away, but this is clearly an issue.

As for why I had all the T16s, their twist axis fails after some handful of months, without fail. The 3D Pros need ever-increasing deadzones until you practically deadzone the stick out of existence. I do like the product by the way. Aside from the thumb hat and stiction out of the box, the stick is great. VKB's response to me inquiring about my stick's stiction has been the only crappy part really. I post a review the other day if you want my full thoughts on it.

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Re: Gladiator NXT - Sticky Twist - Help!

Postby Escapetaxi » Thu Oct 01, 2020 18:16

Helloh again!

Seems like, I get misunderstood here. The Stiction was related to the Center Zone of Twist-Axis. It does not go back to Center properly - have to "force" it.
Also getting out of Center is somewhat "abrupt and hard". And in overall Motion I hear some grinding, which is Friction.

It is planned to open it and see what may be "wrong" there.

Oh, and... overall I am very happy with VKB Products. Please don't think I am a angry Customer here...

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